Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paint bubbling when I primer (Kilz) in the corner of the room.?

Location: NJ

Weather: COLD 32' Snowed 3 days ago (2inches)

Walls: original plaster walls in a 50yr old house

The walls have a few (3?) coats of old paint on them. I was primer the walls with Kilz when one corner of the room the paint started to create large bubbles (hand sized). The bubbles go up to about hip level.

The old paint was old, but not discolored. I didnt notice any bubbling. The bubbles appeared just as I applied the kilz using a roller... like magic! The walls were dry when I applied it. And there was no prexisting discoloration on the walls.

This is the corner of the house, second floor. It is under a window, but does go around the corner. The roof overhangs above the window, outside is original alum siding.

Is this a chemical reaction? How can i fix it? I will cut out the bubble once it dries.

For photos: bubbling when I primer (Kilz) in the corner of the room.?
i've seen this and it can be a nightmare from the lower regions.

you need to scrape and sand as much as possible all the old paint off the wall and prime with an oil primer (not especially kilz, though it is a good product, i don't recommend it for under enamel paints). then make smooth with drywall compound and sand that smooth and prime with pva drywall primer and paint. should solve the problem

also don't try this in a single day...give it a day between coats for the moisture to leave the surface.Paint bubbling when I primer (Kilz) in the corner of the room.?
It is most likely that the paint on the wall was already loose and when you put on the kilz it bubbled. When it dries it will probably lay back down. But you need to cut out than put some compound over sand than repaint.

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