Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is kilz paint made of molecularly?

My wife got some Kilz paint of her navy blue pants and wanted to get it out. I didn't have paint thinner or mineral spirits. She put it in water which I knew wasn't right but then through OxyClean on it and I leaned towards acidic which would be good. Lighter fluid! That would probably work which it did. My wife said how do you know. I promptly answered 'Chemistry' with a grin on my face. It was perfect because I just committed to doing a Chemistry paper on household chemicals that very night! Thank you Jesus!

I looked online but didn't see anything related to its chemical makeup. Nothing on the label besides oil-based paint which is kind of general and was hoping for something a little more specific. Any ideas?

What is kilz paint made of molecularly?
Oil-based paints typically use an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon as the solvent. So I would expect lighter fluid to remove the paint, but it might not be the best choice: lighter fluid contains some heavier hydrocarbons that might take a long time to evaporate (not really sure how long though - you should test it, as the wait may not be as bad as I guessed). A better solution, assuming you don't just buy some paint thinner, would be to use rubber cement solvent (n-heptane). Gasoline would probably work as well, but you again have the problem of residual chemicals (especially all of the additives).

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